The Fujikura 45S is an enhanced Active V-groove splicer
Distributor in France and in 20 African countries
Distributor of Fujikura splicers for over 25 years
Distributor partner of VIAVI for over 15 years
By using Bluetooth technology, the 45S wirelessly connects to the CT50 fibre cleaver and enables a range of pioneering features that will improve the overall installation time, cost and efficiency for operators.
The 45S also has the unique capability to estimate splice loss with greater accuracy, using a New Core Loss Estimation Function.
The 45S is the brand new splicing solution designed to be used on field for FTTx network deployment. The 41S+ can also be used to complete datacom, Data Centers and LAN network.
The 45S continue all the quality that makes the fame of Fujikura: performance, repeatability of splices, and field reliability. The 45S is light and operate with all the optical fiber used on networks (including G651, G652, G655, G657 fibers)