The SmartClass™ Fiber OLP-85 and -85P combine pass/fail fiber inspection and optical power measurement (OPM) into one solution.
With a 100 dB dynamic range, the OLP-85 and -85P optical power meters are perfect for any fiber-optic network power or loss test application.
Distributor in France and in 20 African countries
Distributor of Fujikura splicers for over 25 years
Distributor partner of VIAVI for over 15 years
The SmartClass™ Fiber OLP-85 and -85P complete jobs faster, correctly, and on time—right the first time. With a 100 dB dynamic range, the OLP-85 and -85P handheld optical power meters are professional, versatile, and compact instruments perfect for any fiber-optic network power or loss test applications. Their high accuracy over the entire range means that the OLP-85 and -85P perfectly fit applications where low power or very high power needs to be measured.
The SmartClass™ Fiber OLP-85 and -85P is a compact, rugged, weather-proof design powermeter combining fiber inspection through automated pass/fail fiber inspection analysis with the optional P5000i microscope, also available with integrated PCM.