Optical Time Domain Reflectometry

OTDR measurement allows a complete certification of the physical layer of a fiber optic link, by differentiating the global loss of the link under test. This measurement is mandatory to check the deploiment quality of a fiber optic network, or in cas of troubleshooting.

Throught itslarge range of OTDR modules, Viavi (formerly JDSU) offers the best solution to test the whole fiber optic network.
May the fiber be singlemode or multimode, short or long distance, point to point or with splitters, and even with active fiber, Viavi has the test module adapted to your need.

Optical Time Domain Reflectometry

Active filters

  • Bobines amorces: Multimode OM2 (50µm)

Mini launch cable box Multimode OM2

Compact launch cable box for OTDR measurement.

  • Small size
  • Available in multimode OM1, OM2, OM3, OM4
  • Customized length from 150m to 500m
  • Large choice of optical connectors (SC, ST, FC, LC, E2000 / PC ou APC)

Thanks to its small size, the compact launch cable boxes are easy to pack away in OTDR soft cases.

Price €175.00